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Energy vortexes.

We are viberating
human souls.

We are energy beings, we constantly interact with the universe through our vibrations. Our each vibration is recorded in the universe as our soul record.

Our magnificent universe has made this information available to us. We all can access our records also known as Akashic Records.


When we observe closely, we find a lot of repeated patterns in our lives such as failed relationships, loss of jobs or lack of financial stability, multiple miscarriages or loss of loved ones.

There lies a very deep learning which we must decode in order to grow and enjoy our life fully! By understanding your soul records, you can heal your past to resolve emotional issues, let go of limiting beliefs, muster up the power and inner strength to truly grieve the loss of a loved one so you can finally feel at peace with their passing.

You can achieve greater health and well-being by releasing any negative emotions blocking you from healing or that may be creating mental or emotional stress.

The database,
​Akashic records.

Akashic Records are the energetic database of all our past actions, choices and decisions that we ever made. It knows who we are at the soul level and can gain access to our energetic field.

This database holds the key to repeating patterns that work against you and become a hurdle to achieve your purpose. Akashic records also help us to know what practical action we should take so you can start to live in flow and abundance. Akashic reading gives insight into your unique soul gifts. Conscious understanding of patterns that you have been playing out over many lifetimes, Identify how this energy is still showing up today.

Energy clearing brings you into alignment with your soul purpose. The clarity in a new action will create permanent change going forward because now we understand who we are and what action is aligned to our soul purpose.

Soulful Interactions,
How sessions work.

The whole journey usually takes around one month to fully unfold but you start to notice changes in your life almost immediately. When you book a consultation, I’ll send you a questionnaire which will enable me to access your Akashic Record and do the clearing on your behalf.

During our 90 minute consultation, we’ll go through the findings. I’ll explain who you are at the soul level, as well as past and present life events that are still holding you back. And together we’ll explore what kinds of actions will help you move forward in flow and abundance. you to take purposeful and aligned action to help you reach your goals.

​After the session, I’ll send you personalised clearing statements to complete over 21 days.

​Finally, we’ll arrange a 30-minute session to see how you are getting on with your new actions.

Deeksha Awasthi

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