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is energy.

Every thought and action is energy and it is well proven that energy cannot be destroyed, It can be transformed into something else, like sadness or anxiety are heavy energies and they cannot be destroyed but they can be replaced by lighter energies of happiness and joy.

Most of our life we react, we don't respond.
If someone does bad to us, we think or feel bad.
If someone treats us with love, we get filled with love and warmth.
If someone betrays us we hold a grudge for the rest of our lives.

Each of conscious and unconscious action leaves an imprint on our energy field. Have you noticed sometimes you feel very heavy?

Someone's company makes you feel full of life! Some places or people just drain you to death! These are your opportunities to acknowledge the energy system within, this gives you proof that something happens which changes your state of being towards good or bad 'feeling'.

When you meet a highly awakened soul, or a very peaceful soul you will find yourself filled with joy just by being in their company. They radiate so much of harmonious vibrations that your energy field also gets aligned and resonates with them. They do this by controlling their energy field, you too can do that by clearing your energy field, clearing blocks within the chakra system and radiating ever beautiful white light.

We are loved and always blessed by divine presence, you can call it God, Universe or Energy! It's ever ready to support you, readily available at your intention, at your will!

Soulful Interactions,
How sessions work.

After you book a consultation, you will receive a questionnaire which will help me understand your energy system, your aura and your chakra blocks if any.

During our 90 minute consultation, we’ll go through the findings and share a few chakra balancing techniques. I will give you a few very simple practical remedies which will help you clear your blocks and resonate at a higher frequency.

You will continue to practice those remedies for 21 days and we will review your energy system and make any corrective major needed.

Deeksha Awasthi

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