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Energy vortexes.

A promise,
A companionship.

Let's work together on your soul path and untangle your past baggage and confusions! If you’re seeking peace and success, there is hope. You can learn to break negative patterns, trust your intuition & uncover who you really are….

Every unresolved issue has a solution.

You might have faced situations where you tried everything someone else is suggesting or has been seeing results but you don't see any changes in your life because No two life paths are the same.

It's almost impossible to find what works for you unless you work on yourself. You understand your deep-rooted emotions, process them and observe what is holding you back. Most common issues which we face include emotional blocks, negative or repeated life patterns, love & relationships, financial, and spiritual wellbeing.

We'll be focusing on your path, your journey and your pain, we will figure out what resonates deeply with you and shall identify simple remedies to resolve those.

Your Soul journey is unique & tailored to your specific needs.

Hey, beautiful soul.
Deeksha, here.
Scientist & Seeker

I best define myself as a Scientist & a Seeker!

During 15 years of my professional career as Clinical Genomics Scientist, Management Consultant, Member of board of multiple organizations, Mentor to many startups, and National Director of Social Innovation Platform (SEE),

I was fortunate to understand life in a complete circle. My scientific work gave me exposure to human body understanding at molecular and genetic levels, whereas my management experience gave me a rich flavour of human diversity, their thoughts and behaviours.

Today as we speak, I find myself as a strong soul vibrating at a high frequency, resonating with the universe and listening to its most beautiful symphonies. It was not the case during the early part of my life. I was a hyper sensitive child, a very quiet and easily hurt young girl who turned into a super active and high achieving lady.

Know more about me.

Soul decoded with
R.E.L.A.X algorithm

​It all starts with you! Just with the intention you can bring the shift. ​Are you willing to take charge of your life?

Resolve emotional issues so you stop repeating the same experiences over and over again.

Easily forgive & release past partners, open your heart so that you can attract the most compatible soul mate.

Let go of limiting beliefs which have kept you away from manifesting your dreams.

Achieve greater health and well-being by releasing any emotional blocks which stops you from healing.

​Exercise your free will so that you can enjoy a more heartfelt & fulfilled life.

Soulful Interactions
You and me!

We'll be focusing on your path, your journey and your pain, we will figure out what resonates deeply with you and shall identify simple remedies to resolve those. Your Soul journey is unique & tailored to your specific needs.

  • Our soulful interactions can include —
  • Understanding & processing emotional wounds
  • Identifying & healing childhood traumas
  • Releasing emotional baggage
  • Letting go of what is no longer serving you
  • Recovering from toxic relationships
  • Helping you overcome the Loss of a loved one
  • Spiritual guidance & counseling

​If any of the above resonates with you, Let me support you on your journey to transform what no longer serves you.

Deeksha Awasthi

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