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Energy vortexes.

7 Energy points &
Sometime they are blocked.

Our Chakras are subtle energy points, literally wheels or vortexes of energy within and outside our body. They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points.

We have several hundred of these energy exchange points within our energetic systems but the most well-known ones are the seven which are etherically connected into the spinal column and head.

​The physical body is dependent upon this vital energy flow to maintain optimum wellbeing. Chakras can become blocked by long held negative states — rigid thought patterns, negative emotions, toxins etc. In addition to its other functions each of the seven main chakras represents a level of consciousness or developmental stage of life.

The Chakras system

We have 7 energy centers in our body also known as chakra system, these centers not only coordinate the energy within our body but also receive, assimilate and transmit life force to the universe.

This means that each chakra has a kind of gateway where energy enters and leaves the chamber, as well as a core center where energy is assimilated and distributed through the body.

Functions demystified

​In order to function appropriately there has to be a balance in the system, excess and deficiency both are not good for overall well being.

Lack of balance in the chakras lead to multi-fold issues like jobs dissatisfaction, broken relationships, limiting beliefs and physical illness. While chakra can become unbalanced within itself, the chakras also try to balance each other out. Like someone with deficient first chakra may live in their head and lack manifestations and grounding, or someone who is emotionally insecure may be excessive in throat chakra and talk too much.

Applied methodology

We can also exhibit excessive and deficient characteristics in the same chakra! These complex defense mechanisms by which chakras try to create balance by emphasizing some parts of the chakra but avoiding others.

A person whose second chakra has high sexual charge and a low emotional charge or someone who is powerful at work but powerless at home is exhibiting both excessive & deficient characteristics in the same chakra. There are various ways we can balance our chakras like meditation, color therapy, yoga, mantras etc.

We should try more than one method to be able to understand what works best for our system.

Deeksha Awasthi

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