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The era of
C h a n g e

Universe has ways to communicate with us through clues, signs, synchronicities, or subtle messages. But when something big is planned, universe uses bold and clear messages for us to understand, like earthquake, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, or big change in planetary positions, and their effects on our lives. Similar major hints have been given by universe through unique & rare planetary alignments just before 2020 and whole 2020. Few such major incidences are worth discussing.

The Events of 2020

Click on each block to explore the events.

Outbreak of Pandemic when
Six planets entered in fire element.

And we saw a world-wide outbreak of COVID-19. Prior to this alignment, COVID-19 was confined within China. This has also marked as culminating year of era of fire, with 6 planets joining together in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

... which is its own house, making it a very big event as Saturn returned home after 30 years. Saturn is significator of duty & service, it wants us to work towards our duty and be mindful of our actions.

For 3 months (March-June) and during this period we saw something highly unexpected – world wide lockdown. We all were restricted in our places/homes to reflect on our actions, it was an opportunity to reflect deeper and introspect our lives. We all experienced mass awakening during this period. Many of us understood the deeper meaning of being here.

And after June, Jupiter went retrograde and left Capricorn. Things started to settle down a bit, July – August we saw unlock in various locations and then came the next big celestial event when all 6 planets reached their own houses for 2 days between 13th September to 15th September. It was a rare event formed after 250 years. This brought a positive time as all planets were in their powers, we saw good relief from COVID-19 after Sep, cases got under control worldwide. People started to go back to work.

One more unusual event happened after 125 years. In Vedic calendar, one extra month is adjusted every four years, it is called as adhik maas (purushottam maas). It was the first time after 125 years when we saw one-month gap between Pitrapaksh and Navaratri. It is believed that Goddess Durga descends on Earth to remove darkness on the last day of Pitrapaksh and stays till Navratri, this year we saw a 30 days extension between the two, it is believed that Durga energy was on Earth for 40 days. It was a very auspicious period to meditate, reflect and internalize teachings of great masters & teachers. Many lightworkers found this time really fruitful for their work.

Last major event of 2020 happened on 21st December 2020, when Jupiter joint Saturn closely forming a Great Conjunction. This kind of conjunct when Saturn & Jupiter come very close create massive shifts in the world. Every 60 years great conjunction is seen in the same sign. It is noted that when Saturn and Jupiter enter in the same element for consecutive 3 times (that’s every 20 years), then next 200 years are dominated by that element. Last 200 years was the era of fire. This was the time of fire cycle, we saw invention of electricity, steam engines, mass production, industrialization, globalization, fire arms, bombs, massive forest fire, gas, oil, global warming, terrorism etc.

200 years of Fire cycle is getting over on 21st December 2020 when Jupiter is reaching Capricorn and getting very close to Saturn. Capricorn represents Earth element. It is worth noticing that Jupiter-Saturn will conjunct again on Oct 31th 2040 in Virgo (Earth element), and April 8 th 2060 in Taurus (Earth element), all three being Earth elements (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) will create a 200 years cycle of Earth element. Till 2100 we will stay under Earth element dominance.

Earth Element
Dominant Cycle

Earth was desperate to heal before heading to Earth element dominant cycle. This is why we have seen how water bodies revived, how forest and wild life got good healing and revival, when humans were forced to stay indoors. Retrospectively, pandemic was an opportunity for Earth to heal and a very powerful method to disconnect humans from existing ways of living, it was a portal to new world. It gave us time to get used to we call now “new normal”.

Earth element when becomes dominant it will show Earthy properties like nourishment, stability, protection, etc. Atharveda has a very important shloka to represent qualities of Earth.

विश्वंभरा वसुधानी प्रतिष्ठा हिरण्यवक्षा जगतो निवेशनी। वैश्वानरं बिभ्रती भूमिरग्निमिन्द्रऋषभा द्रविणे नो दधातु॥

विश्वंभरा वसुधानी प्रतिष्ठा 
  हिरण्यवक्षा जगतो निवेशनी।

वैश्वानरं बिभ्रती 
  द्रविणे नो दधातु॥

(Salutations to Mother Earth) — She is Vishwambhara (All bearing), She is Vasudhaa (Producer of all Wealth), She is Pratishtha (Foundation on which we live), She is Hiranyavaksha (of Golden Bosom) and the Dwelling Place of the World,

She holds the Vaishvanara (The Universal Fire) within Her, the Fire which empowers Indra and Rishabha; May the Mother Earth bestow on us (the splendour of that Fire and make us strong).

means one who Nourishes

Revolution in Agriculture sector

Earth’s most basic quality is nourishment to all living beings. In coming times, we will see revolution in Agriculture sector to optimise demand and supply. According to Business Standard data, Indian GDP in Q1 of 2020 faced a decline of 23.9% while agriculture sector saw growth rate of 3.4%. Markets & Markets have published a report on precision farming and its impact post COVID times. Precision farming, smart green houses, precision forestry are all going to see disruption. Precision farming segment expected to hold major market share from 2020 to 2025. Another report by Yahoo Finance also indicates AI, robotics, big data and IOT will play big role in coming times, the agriculture analytics market is projected to grow at 14.4% CAGR during the forecast period of 2020-2025.

means protect your resources

Increase in Deglobalization

Protection is next quality of Earth. We will see that there will be increase in deglobalization, vocal for local, Brexit, America First are all heading towards it. Countries will have to protect their money and resources to nurture their population.

signifies Stability

Stability and security are of utmost importance

Many more pandemic like situations are of prime concern during this period. Stability and security are of utmost importance. We should act conservatively. Earth quakes will get activated. Global warming can lead to increase in sea levels and a few cities might get submerged just like Dwarka during treta yuga. It is highly recommended to be live minimalistic and only invest in stable returns.

means one who carries Gold in heart

All that is damaging Earth will get declined

During Fire element cycle petroleum, diesel, oil was black gold. But going forward Earth elements will have more powers; it is expected that we might invent new kind of fuel which is taken from Earth. All that is damaging Earth will get declined like plastic, petroleum etc. New kind of digital currency is expected to rule the world which will have parity with gold.

means one who Rotates

Exploration of Space

It is very evident that we will colonise space in coming 200 years, last time 1961 when similar conjunct happened in Earth element, space was explored for the first time, it was the same duration when we stepped on Moon. In coming times, we will explore space and will find planets where we can live. It is expected that Earth rotation will also change and that will lead to climate change as well.

means Sensory Pleasure

Sensory Pleasure Dominant times

During lockdown (i.e during first conjunct of Jup-Sat) maximum people spent time watching TV, Netflix. Similarly, in coming times our focus on next coming many years will be on sensory pleasure. It is of utmost importance to be mindful of our time consumption.

In conclusion, we are heading towards Era of Change! We are going to see a massive shift on Earth. If we stay aligned to what universe is planning then our next era is going to be very fruitful, but if we go against it, we will have to face the friction. Time ahead of us is going to put us on Dharma (Jupiter) & Karma (Saturn) path. Stay dutiful and disciplined to see the best of this phase.

for times ahead


Time has come when we have to reduce expenditure on unnecessary stuff, that creates a pressure on us to earn more through both right and wrongs ways. Try to reduce your expenses, thus control your ways of income. Always ask yourself, if you are harming Earth in any ways, if answer is yes, try to optimise it else you will face difficulty.


Spend time creating value for your life, for people around you, & for nature around you. It will nurture your soul and heal all areas of your life. Spend quite time every day, going forward energies will get dense if you don’t pay attention.

observe major
celestial events

Even if you don’t know how to do rituals, just try to sit in silence during eclipses, or major transitions so that you get aligned with changing energies.

do not resist
those changes are cool

As we know that we have stepped into Decade of Transformation, and now that we know that Earth Cycle has started, you must not resist the change. You should not try to stay your old ways; it will only create difficulty in your life.

collaborate with

This new energy of 2020 onwards is like Wild Fire, burning everything on the way to create new. All that you have kept sweeping inside your carpet is getting exposed. Do not resist to accept that you need to change, heal and transform. Universe will make you go through all this with or without your consent. Its better you collaborate with Universe and become part of this beautiful transition.

hold light
for others

While you are going through this transition, take charge and hold light for others. Those who are struggling, those who are resisting, help them come out of the darkness. Show them the light in you so that they also feel comfortable in coming out to the zone which is less known.

let go
on Purpose

It’s a great time to embrace the new you, do not carry forward anything which is not serving you. All anger, resentment, grudges, doubts, fear, just let go. Do not carry any heavy energies, it will only harm you. How can you build a house from the burnt wood after wild fire destroyed everything? Go look for fresh material and build a marvellous mansion for yourself! Do not try to copy those who are still living old ways, sooner or later they will join you too because Universe has its plan in place!

O! Welcome 2 0 2 1!

“Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful.”
Gautam Buddha

Deeksha Awasthi

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