08 / 08

leo aligns with sirius

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welcome to
power of 08/08

Manifestation of
inner self,
power from universe.

We are going to witness a huge shift in energies in coming few days which will stay with us till the end of the year!
Hope you make the best out of it

what is
Lion's Gate Portal

When Sun comes in conjunct with Sirius star during the July and August month it is called Lion’s Gate Portal. This is the time of the year when there is huge amount of light enters Earth from Sirius.

Sirius is the brightest star visible from any part of the Earth. There are many stars brighter than Sirius but they are farther thus appearing dim. Its brightness (with an apparent magnitude of -1.46) can be attributed both to its inherent luminosity which is 20 times that of the Sun, and its proximity to Earth (just 8.7 light years away). Sirius is the seventh closest star to Earth. Thus, for us on Earth Sirius is the brightest star seen blue-white in color it is also referred as "Rainbow star", as it often flickers in spectrum of colors. It has been considered very auspicious star which has great significance since historic times.

Sirius means “glowing” in Greek which is a very apt name for the brightest star, it is also known as “Dog Star” or Sirius A. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, Latin for "the greater dog". It is reported to rise in conjunction with the sun between July and August. The ancient Egyptians felt that the presence of the sun during the day and the Sirius at night was responsible for the extreme heat during mid-summer. Egyptians celebrate their new year on the rise of Sirius, they also named it as “Nile Star” because soon after it returns in conjunction with sun the river rose and the floodwaters that would nourish their lands.

Studies have proven that streams of energy from each star travels in a specific direction (either up or down the galactic arm). All stars are polarized to each other, either negatively or positively. That means some receive energy and some send it out, all of which travels on the path of the magnetic field lines. It has been established that Earth is "downstream" from Sirius, thus receiving highly charged energy via the magnetic field lines.

Sirius is the most energized "positive" point in our space. Being upstream to our solar system it rains its high-end electromagnetic currents over our solar system, not only influencing the solar activity but also the planetary vibrations of all celestial beings including humans. For its powerful impact on our solar system, Sirius is also associated with liberation of human consciousness thus called as “Spiritual Sun”.

The time each year our sun conjuncts Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer is close to July 4 and its influence reaches peak on 8th August (08/08). This is the time when a sacred gateway of energy is activated bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements.

Sun enters in Leo during this time according to zodiac. Leo, is represented as child of Sun, filled with pride, sense of purpose, generosity, and an enduring passion.

thus this time is called,
Lion’s Gate Portal.

Lion's Gate Portal.
A celestial blessing to enlighten your spiritual journey!

A wondrous stream of radiant light and positive energy flowing freely between the spiritual and physical realms, creating a harmonious connection.

The Lion's Gate Portal serves as a conduit for an outpouring of divine energy that blesses us with its profound transformational effects.

The divine light emitted during this celestial event has the power to activate the dormant potential within your DNA, awakening and unlocking hidden capabilities and knowledge. As the high-vibrational frequencies and awakening codes infuse your being, you are guided to remember your innate divinity, extraordinary power, and boundless potential.

But that's not all! The Lion's Gate Portal has even more in store for those who are ready to embrace its gifts. Prepare to embark on a soul-stirring journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery, as the portal invites you to explore the depths of your true essence and purpose.

Embrace this Lion’s Gate Portal an extraordinary cosmic event and allow the luminous energy of the Lion's Gate Portal to illuminate your path — guiding you toward spiritual evolution and profound enlightenment. May this auspicious time be a catalyst for positive change and a deeper connection to the universe and your higher self.

what to do to make
the best of this opportunity?


This is the time for group activation, this is the time to meditate collectively and bring the best of the energies we receive. It is the time to hold and channelize the spiritual energies for ourselves and others.

Meditation on Sun
Behind the Sun

According to Visti Larsen, a renowned astrologer
We should not meditate during daytime (i.e. between 6am to 6pm). According to him only Saints or people who have renounced the world should be doing that because when you meditate, your Sun (in your astrological chart) goes to 12th house thus expediting the renunciation process i.e. letting go of material wealth, as a result you might witness monetary loss or loss of dignity (ego dissolves). Many of us report that — “I was meditating but I am facing so many troubles in life. I don’t feel like meditating anymore.”

Now we have the knowledge of Spiritual Sun we know that when we mediate early morning before the sun rise, get great benefits from its positive presence in our solar system. On 08/08, it is highly recommended to meditate and connect with your higher self, your guides and the source energy to receive the guidance.


Sun is naturally associated with Solar Plexus (the energy center that sits about three inches above the navel and is the seat of our personal power). The Lion’s Gate opening is an invitation to accept and amplify your own power and use it in ever-expanding ways. Balancing Solar Plexus Chakra will help you gain self-confidence, healthy self-control, and willpower.

Time for

This duration correlates to abundance and the entire cycle of manifestation. It is a great time to align with energy portal and receive guidance towards prosperity and flow. Star gazing for direct channelling at this very time is important to download the energy of light.

As the portal closes its energy tends to peak even higher and leaves a trail behind which stays with Earth till the next portal opening. This energy can be used for rest of the year to embrace, accept and love unconditionally.

Time to
Let Go

With Earth united with both Sun and Spiritual Sun, we are in for a very dynamic and spiritual blessing. Replaying things from the past, feeling low about the choices you made in life or responding from the past experience will lead to the wrong way. Also, do not worry or entangle with future possibilities, that will leave you astray and anxious.

Rather be fully present to the time now, open your heart and have willingness to receive the intuitive guidance, to be radiant you! Aligning your energies will lead you to highest divine trajectory.

Time to connect with
Your higher self & guides

Sirius is considered to have profound spiritual influence on us. Specially on 08/08, the gateway allows Earth to receive direct “downloads” of information which can accelerate the spiritual advancement. It is the time when veil between physical and spiritual reality is thin, it has immense energy influx. The guidance will be more easily felt and received when you tune in the inner plain.

Let whatever has happened in the past be in the past and step into the doorway of receiving clear intuitive guidance. There are various ways the guidance can be received, it can be an ahha moment, an epiphany, or a clear intuitive voice suggesting you a specific path. It is a good idea to pay attention to your thought and keep journaling. It will help you navigate effectively during coming days.


This year is about deep diving into our inner self, deep diving into the things that really needed to be changed. We have done a great job in first part of the year, now with the light of Sirius, we are going to get a lot of positive spiritual guidance in our lives. Instead of acting from your past or being anxious about future if you act from your present guidance you will receive great joy & bliss. Good news is that opening of Lions gate portal this year is a tipping point for us and the energy is going to stay with us rest of the year!

You can step up to your soul mission for truly being here in physical reality.

aloha, world!
welcome positive energies.

On this auspicious occasion of celestial alignment which is bringing immense positive energy for our growth, we would like to invite you to share your experiences and thoughts with us.

We are reachable on our website and on social media pages.

We are here to Hear, Help & Heal!

Remember powerful words of
`R U M I`

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.


08 . 08 . 2020