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Exploring Mindfulness!
5W 1H analysis


Mindfulness by definition means being present at the moment without any judgement. Being aware, just being the observer!


Mindfulness helps you to increase your ability to manage emotions, stress, anxiety and depression. It also helps you to focus your attention. We are more conscious to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment.

As we become more present in our lives and in relationship with others, it helps us to make better choices, to manage our emotions and to be more fully engaged in life.


Mindfulness can be practised by anyone at any age, you don't have to be in the perfect place or particular age to experience mindfulness.


Mindfulness can be practised anytime how about now? Pay attention to your breath, see how you are feeling about yourself, are you feeling drained? Are you feeling lost? Are you feeling good? check your state of mind.


Anywhere anytime in anything you do, be present, your mind will drift away. Stay conscious of this drift and bring your attention back to the moment.

If you are working at home, cleaning dishes a lot of thoughts will cross your mind, instead of getting distracted by them, notice them and bring your attention back to cleaning the dishes. Mindfulness can be practice anytime, anywhere, everytime, everywhere.


When we understand what mindfulness is, we can understand how to achieve it. If we break down mindfulness once again, it is being present without judgment. So in order to know how to achieve mindfulness, we should learn to let go of our habits of multitasking, because during multitasking our body is physically present in one place while the mind is somewhere else.

Have you ever washed dishes while taking a call? or do you watch TV while finishing your assignments? or Do you drive and talk over the phone? In each moment — "you are doing something and thinking something else".

The first step to achieve mindfulness is to do one thing at a time. You might feel I don't have time to do so many things, I have to multi-task to finish all work in hand. On the contrary, I will say If you start mindfully finishing your tasks you will see a shift in your state of mind, you will be calmer and at peace with yourself and people around you.

Now that you are "present" at the moment, you have to practice being non-judgemental. We don't always have to keep judging ourselves and situations around. Let go of evaluations of good/bad, right/wrong.

Just Observe, Acknowledge & Be!

Deeksha Awasthi

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